Chlorine Dioxide
Unlike chlorine bleach, which makes carcinogenic trihalomethanes that get washed down the drain and deposited in the environment, chlorine dioxide donates oxygen, breaking down to water, oxygen, and common table salt. This makes it much less corrosive to equipment and a superb environmental choice.
Breaks down quickly, so it will not harm the soil or add toxic deposits to the ground.
Safe for direct food contact and pets
So effective can be used as a sterilant.
Travels were air travels, for a deep disinfecting
Compatible with electronics
Activities can resume immediately, no post-treatment cleaning needed
Disinfects vents, fabrics, carpets, restaurants, lockers, busses, HVAC systems, and more.
Can be used as a solution as well as in gas form
Available in 4, 20, and 100 gm off-gassing tablets, and a 30gm stabilized packet for use in solution
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